Would you like to grow new relationships and engage in meaningful Kingdom work?
If so, we’d love for you to consider joining Alpha’s team of volunteers!
Volunteer RN, LVN or RDMS
We’re in need of Volunteer RNs, LVNs, Sonographers and RDMSs to serve a 4-8 hour shift once a week, every other week, monthly or on call. This role includes administering pregnancy tests, giving prenatal vitamins, patient advocacy/counseling, and data entry. Sonographers and RDMSs perform Limited OB u/s scans, as well as assist with patient advocacy and data entry. For RNs interested in learning sonography, Alpha can provide ultrasound training with commitment.
Client Advocate
We have openings for Volunteer Client Advocates, one morning or afternoon a week. No experience necessary -- just a heart for women and the unborn. Training will be provided.
Parent Mentor
Parent Mentors are needed as we transition to a new online parenting curriculum. Do you have Biblical knowledge and parenting experience you'd love to share with a young mom, dad or couple? Then this role is just right for you!
Administrative Assistant
A Volunteer Administrative Assistant position is open, 4-8 hours a week. Scheduling is flexible. Office experience and computer skills are required.
Mobile Clinic Driver
We’re in need of drivers for Alpha's Mobile Clinic van, 1-2 times a week or 2-4 times monthly. You’ll chauffeur the RN and volunteer Client Advocate to and from designated Merced County locations, as well as placing signs out for offering services. This position also includes handling minimal maintenance on the vehicle, such as filling the gas tank, emptying gray water tanks, and keeping the inside and outside clean.
English / Spanish Translation
Do you know how to write in both Spanish and English? We’d love your assistance in translating brochures and forms, so more families can get the help they need.