Friends & Family
You want to help, but don’t know where to begin.
Here are some starting points…
For Friends
Keep calm
Suggest help
It can be nerve-racking to figure out the right thing to do or say when your friend is facing an unplanned pregnancy. But the most meaningful way you can support her is to simply be there. Let your friend speak when she wants, and calmly listen. She’ll be grateful for an open ear as she processes her emotions and the difficult choices ahead of her.
You, however, might rapidly feel overwhelmed if you're her only resource. Alpha Pregnancy Help Center’s compassionate, trained advocates can connect your friend with the assistance and support she needs during this time.
For Guys
Let her know she’s not alone
Remember it’s not all about you
Ask for help
If you think your partner might be pregnant, you’re probably worried and scared too. Try to be sensitive and remember it’s not all about you. Try to clear your mind so that you can calmly listen to what she’s saying and try to understand her feelings. Gather information about your options, and talk to family and friends you trust.
We’re also here to listen and provide caring help to both of you. Please call us:
(209) 383-4700.
For Families
Encourage her dreams
Research pregnancy centers
Make sure she's healthy
It can be shocking to find out that your daughter, niece, sister, granddaughter or cousin is pregnant. And once the shock wears off, you’ll probably experience a wide range of emotions. But this life-changing experience is an opportunity for you to make a huge difference in the life of someone you love.
Try to set aside your feelings so you can truly hear what your family member is saying. Observe her emotional and physical health as pregnancy affects her. Remind her that this is not the end of her future. You can be a positive voice for her dreams, even if those dreams are changing.
Your family doesn't need to face this situation alone. We provide a safe atmosphere and many helpful services at no charge.